Thursday, November 8, 2007

patent Bio-shock

Today I attended the EPO "Patenting biotechnological inventions in Europe" conference and I was a bit shocked by something new for me, such as biotechnology patents. EPO practice in granting and examining biotechnological "inventions" based on DNA reproduction, cloning, altered version of various seeds and/or plants or such. However if you look at the EPC, section Chapter V, Biotechnological inventions,

  • biological material which is isolated from its natural environment or produced by means of a technical process even if it previously occurred in nature
  • plants or animals if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety
well, it seems I'm going to put a lot more interest into these issues, since my involvement with EPLA in 2006/7 and CII directive back in 2004/5, I see a lot of similarities in this treaties, since the software patents or the biotechnology ones are just a consequence of bad patent system and lack of democratic control. The second problem is EPO itself, since in first hand they say No revival of software patents debate
and in other hand they are granting obvious software patents masked as technical one add a computer, and the EPO will give you software patents.

I don't find this really trustworthy and ethical at all, EPO is lacking democratic control, it's diplomacy is misleading, such as mentioned above and I'm just waiting when the decision makers started to see there is no place for such as EPO in the EU.

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